What do I have when I created the project?

You will encounter an AMP project structure, filtered with values you provided in creation phase, which has the following layout:

src --------------------------------------------------------> (source folder)
                |__ main ___ __ resources --------------------------> mapped in the classpath  
                |               |                         |
                |               |                         |__ alfresco/extension ---> alfresco overriding Spring contexts
                |               |
                |               |__ properties ------------------------->  environment aware application properties files
                |               |                               |
                |               |                               |__ local  ------------->  default application.properties
                |               |
                |               |__ java ------------------------------->  customization java classes
                |               |
                |               |__ webapp -----------------------------> alfresco webapp overlay folder - this folder is overlayed (so may overwrite alfresco war)
                |                                               |
                |                                               |__ WEB-INF     ----------------> drop in this folder WEB-INF custom / overwriting files (e.g. faces-config-custom.xml / web.xml)       
                |__ test

tools --
                |__ ant ---------------------------------------------> ant tools
                |__ m2  ---------------------------------------------> maven2 tools
                |__ export ------------------------------------------> support folder for automatic restore (drop acp+xml files here)
                |__ mysql -------------------------------------------> mysql setup/remove scripts, filtered based on the profile into  

target - Project build dir