Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseConfigSource

Uses of BaseConfigSource in org.springframework.extensions.config.source

Subclasses of BaseConfigSource in org.springframework.extensions.config.source
 class ClassPathConfigSource
          ConfigSource implementation that gets its data via the class path.
 class FileConfigSource
          ConfigSource implementation that gets its data via a file or files.
 class HTTPConfigSource
          ConfigSource implementation that gets its data via HTTP.
 class JarConfigSource
          ConfigSource implementation that gets its data via a file within a JAR file.
 class UrlConfigSource
          ConfigSource that looks for a prefix to determine where to look for the config.
Valid prefixes are: file: the location provided is a path to a physical file classpath: the location provided is a resource on the classpath http: the location provided is a HTTP address jar: the location provided is within a JAR file.
 class WebAppConfigSource
          ConfigSource implementation that gets its data via files in a web application.

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