
Interface Summary
PageMapper Interface for custom PageMapper implementations.
RequestContext Represents the context of the original request to the web page.
RequestContextFactory Interface for a RequestContext factory.
UserFactory Defines the user factory interface

Class Summary
AutowireService Autowire Service for Surf This service performs autowiring of Surf stores and search paths.
FrameworkUtil Static methods which are useful for working with services and beans within the Web Framework.
ModelHelper Static Utility class that provides reflection against the public properties of a given object.
ModelObjectManager Provides core services for loading, retrieving and persisting model objects to one or more back-end Stores.
ModelPersistenceContext Describes the context within which a persister should execute.
ModelPersisterInfo The ModelPersisterInfo structure class holds the values that represent the binding of a model object instance to a persistance store and it's path in that store.
PresetsManager Spring util bean responsible for preset model object generation.
PreviewContextProviderImpl Web Framework sandbox context provider implementation
TemplatesContainer Simple container to gather together services that support the separation of a template engine within the Web Framework.
ThreadLocalPreviewContext A thread local sandbox context implementation that is responsible for holding the value of the sandbox context for the current thread.
WebFrameworkConnectorProvider An implementation of connector provider that provides access to the Web Framework request context to build connectors
WebFrameworkConstants Web Framework constants
WebFrameworkManager WebFramework general manager.
WebFrameworkServiceRegistry Service Registry for Web Framework This service provides getters for all Web Framework services and helper beans.

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