Welcome to the Maven Alfresco Extension Archetype home

You've reached the ( http://maven.alfresco.com/nexus/content/repositories/alfresco-docs/maven-alfresco-lifecycle/maven-alfresco-archetypes/maven-alfresco-extension-archetype ) Maven Alfresco Extension archetype home page (version: 3.9.1)


This archetype developed aims to provide a standardized approach to development, release and deployment of Alfresco extensions (as opposed to AMP builds, to be released as a different artifact ).

Quick Start Project Creation

For a quick start you can a maven alfresco extension project created by just running (maven 2.0.6+ required):

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://maven.alfresco.com/nexus/content/repositories/releases/archetype-catalog.xml

and then choose the option 'maven-alfresco-extension-archetype' and fill your custom project information. You can also do this via Eclipse using the m2eclipse plugin.

Run your project in 3 minutes

The command below allows you to package your customization, run unit tests and eventually run jetty embedded with Alfresco

mvn install -Prun

You should be able to point your browser to http://localhost:8080/alfresco and see your nice custom Alfresco running. You might need to raise the MAVEN_OPTS memory allocated to Maven, see the FAQ section for this faq.html. \


The only prerequisite is to have a Mysql instance running with proper permissions for the DB user, password and name configured in the POM. The default configuration can be found in the generated pom.xml file and goes as follows:
